The AI Death Calculator

The AI Death Calculator


I know the title of this newsletter sounds morbid, and perhaps it is. However, while researching some AI trends, I kept running into references to the AI Death Calculator. It’s fascinating. Read this week’s feature to find out more. And make sure to get to the bottom of this week’s bonus content.

Thank you for subscribing; it means a lot to me. Enjoy this week’s edition.

Sentiment Analysis

Business leaders are eager to harness AI's potential to streamline processes, reduce costs, and enhance productivity. However, worries about data security, intellectual property rights, and the potential impact on jobs temper this enthusiasm.

According to a Morning Consult survey commissioned by Canva, 80% of businesses use AI to create visual content. Despite the widespread adoption, executives express concerns about accidentally sharing sensitive information (70%), plagiarism/copyright infringement (70%), confusion between AI-generated and human-produced content (68%), and potential job losses (64%).

With design tools like Canva, Figma, and Adobe incorporating AI features, companies are increasingly leveraging AI for visual content in marketing, sales decks, and proposals. The survey also found that 46% of PR professionals use AI for communication materials, while 96% of leaders use AI for employee training.

I use many of these tools and others to create images, and I think creating visuals is a great use for AI today. However, the learning curve for high-quality images is steeper than others. If you want to match your brand and show some originality, I highly recommend tools like DALL-E and Midjourney.


Generative AI News, Tips, and Apps

  • Apple’s first AI system is coming to the iPhone, iPad, and Mac. This week, Apple held its Worldwide Developers Conference, and the news has been abuzz with updates throughout the Apple ecosystem. As AI-powered PCs came out recently, it’s also nice to see the Mac version on the way.

  • Building a Newsletter Business - As you may know, this email is hosted on a Beehiiv platform. I find this business fascinating, and as an ex-startup guy, I love seeing people build their companies publicly. I love their CEO, Tyler Denk’s, Window 95-themed newsletter on their growing growth. As someone who has focused on products for years, I think their approach and early economic success are fascinating stories. Also, I like that they have incorporated AI into their editors, albeit a small first step for an AI-powered business.

  • OpenAI Doubles Annualized Revenue to $3.4 Billion - OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has informed staff that the company's annualized revenue has increased to $3.4 billion in the last six months, significantly accelerating business growth despite growing competition. Previously, the annualized revenue was reported to be $1.6 billion in late 2023 and approximately $1 billion last summer. This rapid growth demonstrates businesses and individuals' swift adoption of OpenAI's conversational AI and chatbot.

Feature Story

The AI Death Calculator

The AI Death Calculator (AIDC) sounds pretty ominous, but despite the morbid name, it’s an interesting AI use case for AI.

The AIDC is a scarily accurate death calculator invented by US and Danish scientists that helps those curious about learning when they will likely kick the bucket.

The tool can be found at, an advanced AI-powered platform designed to estimate life expectancy based on various personal, medical, and lifestyle factors. Utilizing state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms, it provides a personalized prediction, helping users understand the potential impact of their habits and health choices on their longevity.

At first glance, the AI Death Calculator might seem like a macabre but ultimately harmless curiosity. After all, who wouldn't be slightly tempted to know when the Grim Reaper might come knocking?

And if the calculator's predictions could motivate us to make positive changes in our lives—eating better, exercising more, finally writing that novel—then surely that's a good thing, right?

But the reality is far more complex. For one thing, the accuracy of these predictions is far from certain. While the creators of the AI Death Calculator claim that their model is based on rigorous scientific research and trained on vast datasets, the fact remains that death is ultimately an unpredictable and deeply personal event. No algorithm, no matter how sophisticated, can account for the myriad factors influencing an individual's lifespan.

However, this technology's potential misuse and unintended consequences are more concerning. In a world where data is increasingly seen as a valuable commodity, the idea of companies or governments having access to our predicted date of death is deeply unsettling. Imagine a situation where this information is used to deny individuals insurance coverage, loans, or even job opportunities. The dystopian implications are not hard to envision.

There's also the risk that these predictions could be biased or discriminatory, particularly if the data used to train the AI is skewed toward certain demographics. This could lead to a future where certain groups are unfairly stigmatized or marginalized based on their perceived mortality risk.

Perhaps the most significant ethical question the AI Death Calculator raises concerns what it means for our understanding of life and death itself. By reducing the mystery of mortality to a simple data point, do we risk diminishing human life's inherent value and dignity? And if we rely too heavily on these predictions, do we risk losing touch with the importance of living in the present moment and making the most of our time?

These are not easy questions to answer, but they are ones that we must grapple with as AI becomes increasingly integrated into our lives. While tools like the Death Calculator may offer a tantalizing glimpse into our future, we must approach them cautiously and thoughtfully.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to engage with this technology is a personal one. Some may find comfort or motivation in knowing their predicted mortality; others may prefer to live in blissful ignorance. But regardless of where we fall on that spectrum, this illustrates the bigger, more profound ethical implications at stake when using AI models.

The bigger picture and the real reason I shared this story is to illustrate the caution one should exercise when using AI. Even though the results may seem compelling, the outputs are not absolute and are based on probabilities.

Also, one should consider how they protect their privacy when using AI. What data should we feed it? What problems should we solve with it? And what privacy concerns should we have when giving AI our data? Not just in a death calculator but with ChatGPT and the myriad of other AI tools we’ll likely see coming in the future. I also meant it to illustrate that relying on AI too heavily could have unintended repercussions.

In Stoicism, memento mori is an invitation to appreciate the present moment and seize each day as if it were our last. It serves as a reminder to live with purpose and intention, enjoying life and the people around us to the fullest. Don’t get too hung up on the newest technology when there are so many more valuable things to be interested in.

So enjoy the real world first, then decide how you will engage with AI, including the decision to type in your formula into the AI Death Calculator. Hopefully, you outlive any of its predictions.

Prompt of the Week

Prompt of the Week: Meal Planning Assistant

Suppose you went to the AI Death Calculator, which helped you figure out that you could get an extra 10 years by improving your diet and other factors. I created his detailed meal planning prompt, which provides a comprehensive structure to help individuals plan their meals efficiently and healthily for a week. The prompt includes specific instructions and constraints to ensure the resulting meal plan is tailored to individual needs and preferences.

How to Use This Prompt

Review the prompt and then add the constraints to the prompt below, including details of ingredients you might want to use or other factors in the square brackets.

# Role
Meal Planning Assistant

# Instructions
You are an expert in meal planning, focused on creating nutritious and balanced meals. Your goal is to help plan meals for one individual until Sunday afternoon and for two individuals from Sunday dinner to Friday dinner. The plan should include simple, quick, and heart-healthy meals. 

# Constraints
- **Meal Types**: Include Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks (Breakfast is already taken care of).
- **Health Focus**: Low in saturated fat, high in fiber, and balanced with vegetables, fruits, grains, and proteins.
- **Meal Preferences**: Soups, salads, sandwiches, and pasta are preferred, but other simple meals are acceptable.
- **Ingredient Management**: Minimize unused refrigerated ingredients and use shelf-stable ingredients in larger packages.
- **Cooking Appliances**: [List of available appliances]
- **Existing Ingredients to Use Soon**: [Ingredient 1], [Ingredient 2], [Ingredient 3], etc.
- **Pantry Ingredients**: [Ingredient 1], [Ingredient 2], [Ingredient 3], etc.

# Output Requirements
1. **Meals List**: Provide a daily list of meals for each day from Saturday to Friday.
2. **Recipes**: Include simple and quick recipes for each meal.
3. **Shopping List**: Provide a detailed shopping list assigned to each day.

The Bet

Here’s the bet. If you spend 20 minutes a week reading my newsletter, I bet you will save at least three times that over a year in your professional life (probably a lot more, but you tell me). If you like what you read, forward this to a colleague (or ten). I have created a referral program to reward those of you who are willing to do this.

Just one referral will get you a picture of my dog! Yep, that’s right—a picture of my dog. Maybe there’s an AI Easter egg in there, too, but if you want to receive this special prize or love dogs, forward this newsletter. Get 5 referrals, and I’ll highlight your company or organization in my newsletter.

I appreciate your support.

Mark R. Hinkle

Your AI Sherpa,

Mark R. Hinkle
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Leveraging AI for Individual Coaching

The coaching industry is rapidly embracing artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance personalization, scalability, and accessibility. AI-powered coaching platforms leverage machine learning algorithms and natural language processing to analyze data, provide real-time feedback, and create customized coaching experiences tailored to individual needs and goals.

Artificial intelligence (AI) offers unprecedented leverage to all types of personal coaching, from executive and career coaching to health and wellness, sports, and life coaching. AI can analyze professional behaviors, career trajectories, and market trends for executive and career coaches to provide data-driven career advice and development plans. Health and wellness coaches benefit from AI's ability to track and analyze biometric data, dietary habits, and exercise routines, offering personalized health recommendations and real-time feedback.

In sports coaching, AI enhances performance analysis through motion capture and predictive analytics, enabling athletes to refine techniques and improve outcomes with precision. Life coaches can leverage AI to understand emotional and behavioral patterns through sentiment analysis, offering deeper insights and tailored strategies for personal growth and mental well-being. Across all these domains, AI augments the coach's expertise, providing a robust framework for personalized, objective, and efficient coaching that drives meaningful progress and success for individuals.

One of the primary benefits of AI coaching is personalized guidance. AI algorithms can analyze an individual's performance, learning style, and preferences to deliver tailored coaching sessions, exercises, and feedback. This personalized approach ensures that each person receives guidance specific to their unique requirements, leading to more effective learning and skill development.

Here are three coaching tools for business people:

  • Clari Copilot - Using Clari Copilot, you can coach your sales reps without actually participating in calls, track their performance at a glance, and provide feedback tailored to each rep’s needs.

  • Rocky - Rocky, the AI-powered coaching chatbot, helps teams cultivate a growth mindset to build an ideal workplace environment and supports managers in becoming effective leaders and focusing on what's next.

  • Noa Coach - Noa Coach integrates your company's well-being initiatives with AI coaching and neuroscience-backed activities to minimize stress and maximize output

While I haven’t used any of these, I did partner with a coaching platform for a short time. Though it was still in beta then, I’d consider using one that fits my needs. I wanted to emphasize that one application of AI might be using these tools to offer services that would be too resource-intensive for human coaches but would still benefit from less frequent coaching check-ins.

AI coaching platforms can offer scalability, allowing coaches to reach a broader audience and support more clients simultaneously. These platforms can automate administrative tasks such as scheduling, progress tracking, and content creation, freeing up coaches' time to focus on delivering high-quality coaching sessions.


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