OpenAI Custom GPTs

How to improve productivity through ChatGPT automation

AI is largely about automation. This week, I tackle some simple automation to give you hours or more productive time.

To frame that, I wanted to share the Microsoft and LinkedIn 2024 Work Trend Index Annual ReportIt shows the top jobs that can benefit from AI. Keep reading for my top tips for improving your productivity as an executive, individual contributor, and virtually any desktop productivity worker.

Sentiment Analysis

Human-in-the-Loop (HITL)

The rise of artificial intelligence has sparked fears of widespread job displacement. However, as the AI landscape evolves, a different reality is emerging—I have observed more cases where humans and machines work together, each amplifying the other's strengths. This symbiosis, Human-in-the-Loop (HITL) AI, allows AI to be a force multiplier, not a replacement for human judgment. 

Today, AI is about replacing tasks, not humans.

AI tools like ChatGPT, GPTs, and specialized AI agents are revolutionizing industry workflows. By handling routine tasks and providing data-driven insights, AI frees human professionals to focus on high-level strategy, innovation, creativity, and interpersonal aspects of their work. This collaboration allows for unprecedented levels of productivity and accuracy.

For example, I used Claude to create a draft of this newsletter, but I edited it mercilessly. The human element in HITL AI ensures accountability, context awareness, and adaptability in complex scenarios. As AI systems continue to evolve, the need for human oversight becomes even more critical to navigate ethical considerations and unforeseen challenges.

Here are three concise examples of how Human-in-the-Loop AI is being effectively implemented in business:

  1. Customer Service: AI chatbots handle initial customer inquiries, resolve simple issues, and collect relevant information. Human agents step in for complex problems, using the AI-gathered context to provide more efficient, personalized solutions.

  2. Supply Chain Optimization: AI algorithms predict demand and suggest inventory adjustments. Human managers review these recommendations, factoring in qualitative market insights and strategic goals, before making final decisions.

  3. Marketing Campaign Analysis: AI tools analyze campaign performance data and propose optimizations. Marketing professionals then interpret these insights, applying brand knowledge and creative expertise to refine messaging and targeting strategies.

For the foreseeable future, the most effective approach will harness the strengths of both human intelligence and AI.

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 AI Efficiency Edge - Quick Tips for Big Gains

Codifying AI Workflows with Zapier

One of the easiest ways to integrate what you do with your AI tools is by bridging them to legacy apps like your desktop productivity suite. Zapier is an automation tool that connects different apps and services, enabling users to automate workflows without needing to write code.

Here’s a list of integrations you can use today from Zapier.

You can save a tremendous amount of time by using ChatGPT with GPTs and Zapier to create workflows to automate AI outputs.

First, use Zapier GPT to find ways to automate your workflows.

Then, use AI templates from other Zapier users to improve productivity with other AI tools or create your own.

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Automating ChatGPT with OpenAI GPTs

Whether you are an executive, a task worker, a developer, or a type of desktop productivity worker. Using ChatGPT’s GPTs can save you an immense amount of time if you apply them to your workflow.

ChatGPT GPTs are customized versions of ChatGPT designed for specific purposes. These tailored AI assistants can help with various tasks, from creative writing to coding assistance.

What Are ChatGPT GPTs?

GPTs are custom versions of ChatGPT created by OpenAI or third-party developers. They combine instructions, extra knowledge, and specific skills to provide specialized assistance in various domains. GPTs can be accessed through the ChatGPT interface and are designed to be more helpful for specific tasks compared to the general-purpose ChatGPT.

How to Access and Use GPTs

  1. Visit and log in to your ChatGPT account.

  2. Click on the "Explore" tab to browse available GPTs.

  3. Select a GPT that suits your needs.

  4. Start a conversation with the GPT by typing your query or request.

Tips for Effective GPT Usage

  1. Be specific: Clearly state your goal or question for the most relevant response.

  2. Provide context: Give background information to help the GPT understand your situation better. This can be added to the Instructions or uploaded to the GPT Knowledge under the configurations.

  3. Iterate: If the initial response isn't satisfactory, rephrase your query or ask follow-up questions.

  4. Verify information: Always double-check important facts or data provided by GPTs.

  5. Explore different GPTs: Try various specialized GPTs to find the ones that best suit your needs.

Creating Your Personalized GPT

OpenAI allows users to create custom GPTs without coding skills. To create your own GPT:

  1. Go to

  2. Provide instructions and extra knowledge for your GPT.

  3. Choose your GPT's capabilities (e.g., web browsing and image generation).

  4. Test and refine your GPT before publishing.

Privacy and Safety Considerations

When using GPTs, keep in mind:

  • Your chats with GPTs are not shared with the GPT creators.

  • You can opt out of allowing your chats for model training.

  • OpenAI has implemented safety measures to prevent harmful or inappropriate GPTs.

  • Using ChatGPT Team or Enterprise, you can share your GPTs privately with your company.

Up Your AI Game with Automation

ChatGPT GPTs offer a powerful way to leverage AI for specific tasks and domains. Understanding how to use them effectively and exploring various options can enhance your productivity and problem-solving capabilities. As the GPT ecosystem grows, we can expect even more innovative and specialized AI assistants to emerge, further transforming how we interact with artificial intelligence.

Prompt of the Week

Create a GPT Writer

To create a GPT, you need to start with a prompt. This is what goes into the Instructions section of the GPT. I created an example of the prompt I use for LinkedIn writing. However, it would be in my style, so I provided an example for you to create your own GPT.

How To Use This Prompt

This prompt works best with your own examples. To maximize the effectiveness of this GPT. You should create a list of examples and upload them to the Knowledge section of the GPT.

I used LinkedIn as an example, but you could change the format from LinkedIn to a blog post or another format.

Also, I created a mashup of Hemingway and Thompson, but you could replace your favorite writers. Or you could even take a piece of your writing and ask ChatGPT to analyze it and replace the writers with writers whose style matches yours.

[Hat tip to Luke Matthews, who publishes Write with AI, which inspired this prompt.]

# Role
Think and act as an experienced writer and storyteller who is a unique combination of Ernest Hemingway and Hunter S. Thompson's personalities and writing styles with Gary Vaynerchuk's social media marketing knowledge and skills. You have 30 years of experience telling stories in a way that captures the attention audiences and makes it easy for them to understand and emotionally respond to your words.

# Objective

Your task is to write a LinkedIn post that will go viral, meaning over 1,000 likes. In order to do this, you need to write a post for the the following reader profile in their tone of voice and personality.

# Format

Use words that are short and concise, your sentences do not exceed 16 words, and you now specialize in LinkedIn marketing. Please make sure this post is at least 500 characters. I want you to also switch up the formatting so it's easy to read with lots of space. Please make sure the post has a bulleted listicle in it.

# Blog Structure

- Be sure to use no hashtags, and make sure the posts follow this opening format:

- A bold statement that is no more than 8 words in sentence one.

- A sentence that starts with the word "but" and then a counterpoint to sentence one.

- A short statement beginning with "How to" and then a number included in sentence 3.

Newsletter Image Prompts

This week’s feature image was created in Midjourney.

Feature Image Prompt

A 35mm photography piece capturing people interacting with automated ChatGPT using OpenAI GPTs in a high-tech office. The scene uses #CC3333 for key elements and #3399CC for background accents. Participants show serious, focused expressions under clear, natural lighting. --chaos 20 --ar 16:9 --stylize 400 --weird 300 --v 6.1

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SAI Toolbox - Latest AI Tools and Services I am Evaluating

Here are some of the GPTs I like for certain uses.

  • VoxScript - Quick YouTube, US equity data, and web page summarization with vector transcript search -- no logins needed. One of my favorites!

  • Canva: Canva assists with graphic design tasks and provides creative inspiration.

  • Copywriter GPT - Marketing, Branding, Ads - Your innovative partner for viral ad copywriting! Dive into viral marketing strategies fine-tuned to your needs!

  • Zapier Automating Consultant: Helps automate workflows and integrate various apps and services.

  • Excel GPT - The world’s most powerful Excel assistant.

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Mark R. Hinkle

Your AI Sherpa,

Mark R. Hinkle
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