ChatGPT & CopywriterGPT

Using CopywriterGPT for Brand Messaging and Positioning

Welcome to The Artificially Intelligent Enterprise’s Tuesday feature, AI Lessons, where we help you level up your productivity in five minutes or less!

Writing is everything—text messages, emails, social media.

The dream of every marketer or business owner is to get their brand messaging so spot-on that it becomes a famous one-liner:

• Just Do It = Nike (1988)

• I’m Lovin’ It = McDonald’s (2003)

Phrases so iconic that we forget they started as ad campaigns.

This week’s lesson includes:

🕵️ How to use CopywriterGPT, an AI-powered tool that crafts brand messaging.

💬 Tips for turning a simple prompt into world-class messaging.

✏️ Apply your results in minutes!

You’ll need:

  • ChatGPT Plus to access the GPT, and that’s all!

Your Weekly AI Productivity Lesson

Let’s start.

2) Search for “CopywriterGPT”.

3) Click “Start Chat”.

4) You’re now ready to write like a pro!

Let’s go!👇

💡 Hands-on

Example Task: Create a new brand messaging matrix for a small business

1) Understand what a brand message should be

Start by asking the GPT what “good” looks like. Prompt it to create a successful brand messaging blueprint.

Copy this prompt:

Imagine you are creating a blueprint of how to create a successful brand messaging guide for any small business. What do you need to help with this?”

2) Create a brand messaging guide

Ask the GPT to create this guide in a simple table so you can easily copy and paste it into Google Docs or Sheets.

Here is the brand messaging guide we got:




Provide unique and high-quality products that enhance the daily lives of our customers.


Be a leading brand in our industry, recognized for innovation and customer satisfaction.


Innovation, Quality, Customer-centricity, Integrity.


Friendly, approachable, and professional.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Offers the only product on the market that combines A, B, and C features, tailored specifically for small business needs.

Target Audience Demographics

Small to medium business owners aged 25-50, both male and female, located primarily in urban areas.

Target Audience Psychographics

Values efficiency and reliability, tech-savvy, seeks products that streamline operations and enhance productivity.

Consumer Behavior

Prefers shopping online, values customer reviews and responsive customer service, influenced by peer recommendations and industry trends.

3) Adapt to your business

In this example, we are going to use an e-commerce website as the brand and tailor our guide to fit the brand we are working on. For this we just need some copy from the brands website.

Go to a website (for this I have chosen All Birds) and CMD + A (on mac) or CTRL + A (on pc) to copy the entire website. Then CMD + V or CTRL + V to paste the copy into the GPT.

Ask it the following prompt to analyze the copy and adapt to the blueprint brand messaging:

“Analyze the following copy which is my website. I want you to fill in the brand messaging guide table with all the learnings you can get from this website”.

In minutes you have a full idea of how your brand message should be.

4) Brand Messaging Guide Tailored to your Brand




To enhance outdoor and everyday experiences with comfortable, versatile footwear designed for all walks of life.


To lead the footwear industry in sustainability and innovation, offering products that meet the needs of conscious consumers without compromising on style or comfort.


Sustainability, Comfort, Innovation, Accessibility.


Approachable, Inclusive, Environmentally-Conscious, Innovative.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Offers lightweight, comfortable footwear made from sustainable materials, aiming for a zero carbon footprint.

Target Audience Demographics

Eco-conscious men and women, aged 25-45, who value sustainability, comfort, and style in their apparel.

Target Audience Psychographics

Prioritizes environmental impact in purchasing decisions, values functionality and design, and prefers versatile products that can be worn in various settings.

Consumer Behavior

Prefers shopping with brands that demonstrate a commitment to reducing environmental impact, seeks information on product sustainability, enjoys outdoor activities and values comfort and durability in footwear.We then want to ask the GPT to create this guide in a simple table so we can easily copy and paste to google docs or sheets.

In minutes you can go from guessing your brand messaging to finding the successful blueprint and adapting your website copy to that brand guide blueprint.

I appreciate your support.

Mark R. Hinkle

Your AI Sherpa,

Mark R. Hinkle
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