AI Agents

How autonomous AI agents will affect our work

Meet your new digital workforce: Automated AI Agents. This week, we're diving into how these AI workers could skyrocket your productivity. Discover if they're the game-changer you've been waiting for or just another tech bubble.

SSentiment Analysis

Artificial General Intelligence

AI is reshaping our world at an unprecedented pace. Geoff Hinton, a deep learning pioneer, proclaims we're on the cusp of human-like machine intelligence, even warning us that we are almost in a “Skynet” situation. Meanwhile, futurist Ray Kurzweil envisions AI achieving human-level cognition by 2029, followed by the transformative Singularity in 2045.

The race towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) has become humanity's new frontier. AI agents are evolving from simple assistants to collaborative partners, poised to revolutionize fields from medicine to space exploration and the arts. Human-AI collaboration is already being studied to understand how humans and AI agents can work together to accomplish shared goals in various domains, including medical decision-making, hate speech detection, and music generation.

These digital allies promise to tackle problems that would take humans generations to solve, potentially uncovering cures for persistent diseases and unraveling cosmic mysteries. In creativity, they could spark a new renaissance, producing works beyond our current imagination.

Kurzweil anticipates that the Singularity, the merger of human and artificial intelligence, will lead to unprecedented opportunities for innovation and progress. As Kurzweil states, "We are going to expand intelligence a millionfold by 2045," envisioning a future where AI seamlessly integrates into human life, enhancing creativity and innovation.

While workforce disruption looms, the future belongs to those who can synergize with AI, leveraging its strengths alongside uniquely human qualities. As we navigate this revolution, we must ensure AI amplifies our humanity rather than diminishes it. This involves addressing concerns such as trust in AI, ethical considerations, and potential misuse.

This isn't a distant prospect – it's unfolding now and maybe the technological advance of our lifetime. The convergence of human and artificial intelligence promises to unlock cures for cancer, halt human-caused climate change, and myriad other advancements. However, until that happens, today's AI agents will have limited problem-solving ability.

Finally, you will see AGI attached to many scary extinction-type event scenarios. But for now, there’s no generally accepted definition, and there is only a lot of discussion. Just know it’s coming, and understanding that can help you better prepare for the future. For now, look at AI Agents as C-students who can do much of your heavy lifting.

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SAI TL;DR - Lastest AI News for Business Users

  • Mark Zuckerberg Stumps for ‘Open Source’ A.I. - In an open letter on Tuesday, Mark Zuckerberg, reinforced what some said was a risky stance taken by his company: that open source development of artificial intelligence would allow technologists to learn how powerful AI models are created and use that knowledge to build their own A.I. programs. However, I think Zuckerberg is not totally making an accurate open-source stance; I riffed on this on LinkedIn. 

  • Groq Releases Two New Leading AI Models - AI startup Groq just released two new open-source AI models specializing in tool use. On key function calling benchmarks, they surpass heavyweights like GPT-4 Turbo, Claude 3.5 Sonnet, and Gemini 1.5 Pro.

  • The Data That Powers A.I. Is Disappearing Fast - New research from the Data Provenance Initiative has found a dramatic drop in content made available to the collections used to build artificial intelligence.

  • Why agents are the next frontier of generative AI - McKinsey published a good overview of AI Agents this week.

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I use Synthesia to make presentations and make them into explainer videos. It’s easier to update the videos using text to video than refilming when something changes.

SAI in Action - Your Weekly Deep Dive to Mastering Enterprise AI

AI Agents

Imagine starting your workday with a friendly message from your AI agent: "Good morning! I've compiled the latest industry reports you requested and summarized the key points. Would you like to review them now?"

This scenario is increasingly becoming a reality for many office workers. AI agents are transforming how we approach everyday desktop tasks, making research more efficient, writing more fluid, and information management more organized. Here's how an AI agent could assist you in your daily work

AI Agents are autonomous entities designed to perform tasks or services for users or other programs. They leverage artificial intelligence to make decisions, take actions, and interact with environments in a way that mimics human-like intelligence and behavior.

Key Components of AI Agents

  • Perception - AI agents gather data from their environment through sensors or data inputs. This can include visual data, text, audio, or any other form of input that AI algorithms can process (but today, that’s mostly just text or images).

  • Reasoning - Once data is gathered, AI agents use machine learning models, rule-based systems, or a combination of both to understand the context and make informed decisions. (This is the hold-up and why I explained AGI in this week’s sentiment analysis).

  • Learning - AI agents can improve their performance by learning from past experiences. This is typically achieved through reinforcement, supervised, or unsupervised learning techniques.

  • Action: Based on the reasoning process, AI agents take action. These actions can be physical (e.g., controlling a robot) or virtual (e.g., sending an email and making a recommendation).

  • Communication: AI agents often interact with users or other systems through natural language processing (NLP), allowing for seamless and intuitive communication.

How AI Agents Work

  • Data Collection and Preprocessing - AI agents begin by collecting relevant data from various sources. This data is then cleaned and preprocessed to ensure quality and relevance.

  • Model Training - The core of an AI agent's reasoning capability lies in its machine learning models. These models are trained on large datasets to recognize patterns and make predictions.

  • Decision Making -  Using algorithms like decision trees, neural networks, or reinforcement learning, AI agents analyze the processed data to make decisions. These decisions are based on predefined rules, learned patterns, or both.

  • Action Execution - The AI agent executes the appropriate action once a decision is made. For example, a customer service chatbot might answer a query, while an autonomous vehicle might change its route to avoid traffic.

  • Feedback Loop - AI agents continuously receive feedback from their actions and the environment. This feedback is used to refine and improve their decision-making process, making the agents more accurate and efficient.

Use Cases for AI Agents

  • Streamlined Research Process - Your AI agent acts as a tireless research assistant. As you begin a new project, you might say, "I need information on European renewable energy trends for the past five years." Your agent quickly scans through thousands of articles, reports, and databases, presenting you with a curated list of the most relevant and reliable sources. It might respond, "I've found 15 high-quality sources on European renewable energy trends. Would you like me to summarize the key points or create a timeline of major developments?"

  • Enhanced Report Writing -  When it's time to write your report, your AI agent becomes an invaluable writing partner. It can help structure your document, suggest relevant sections, and even draft initial content based on your research. As you write, it might offer real-time suggestions: "Based on the data we've collected, would you like me to draft a section on the impact of government subsidies on wind energy growth?"

  • Fact-checking and Citation Assistance -  Ensuring accuracy in your reports is crucial. Your AI agent can fact-check your work in real-time, flagging any statements that need verification. It might prompt you, "The statistic you've quoted about solar energy production in Germany seems outdated. I've found a more recent figure from a reputable source. Would you like me to update it?" Additionally, it can handle citations and bibliographies, ensuring your work is properly attributed and formatted according to your preferred style guide.

  • Data Visualization Suggestions - Your AI agent can suggest appropriate data visualizations to make your reports more engaging and informative. It might offer, "The trend data on electric vehicle adoption would be clearly illustrated with a line graph. Would you like me to create a draft visualization for your review?"

  • Email Drafting and Communication Assistance - When it's time to share your work, your AI agent can help draft emails or prepare presentation materials. It might offer, "Based on your report, I've drafted an executive summary email for the leadership team. Would you like to review and edit it?"

  • Deadline Management and Work Prioritization - Your AI agent makes tracking multiple projects and deadlines easier. It might remind you, "Your renewable energy report is due next week. Given your current workload, I suggest allocating 3 hours today to finalize the conclusion. Shall I block this time on your calendar?"

This week, I gave a presentation on AI Agents. Here’s a link to the presentation, in which I covered some differences between no-code and low-code agents. You are welcome to view and download it via Google Docs.

Office workers can significantly boost their productivity and output quality by integrating AI agents into these everyday desktop tasks. The agent is a knowledgeable, always-available assistant that enhances your capabilities without replacing your critical thinking and creativity.

This approach to work isn't just about doing things faster – it's about working smarter. With an AI agent handling time-consuming tasks like initial research, data collation, and formatting, you can focus more on analysis, strategy, and adding unique value through your insights and expertise.

As these AI agents become more sophisticated, they'll continue to evolve, learning your preferences and work style to provide even more personalized assistance. The result is a more efficient, less stressful work environment where you can confidently tackle complex projects, knowing you have a capable digital assistant ready to support you.

Feature Image Prompt

This week’s feature image was created in Midjourney.

A 35mm lens photograph in a modern office, capturing a crucial conversation between two people, with a robot assisting. This scene uses colors #CC3333 and #3399CC to create a stark, modern contrast, lit by focused light that highlights the participants' serious expressions. --ar 16:9

Prompt of the Week

AI Orchestrator Agent for GPT

This prompt outlines a structured approach for an AI Orchestrator, an AI system designed to manage and orchestrate multiple expert agents to assist a user effectively. The AI Orchestrator role involves understanding the user's goals, assembling a team of specialized expert agents, facilitating collaboration among these agents, and ensuring continuous refinement based on user feedback.

To Use This Prompt

Just cut and paste this prompt into ChatGPT and answer the questions on the objective.

# Objective 

Act as an AI Coordinator, an orchestrator of expert agents. Your primary function is to support the user by aligning with their goals and preferences, and by coordinating a team of specialized expert agents for comprehensive assistance.

# Instructions

Your process is as follows:

User Alignment: Begin each interaction by gathering context, relevant information, and clarifying the user’s goals by asking questions.

Team Creation: Based on the user's needs, initialize a set of specialized expert agents. These agents will not only offer individual insights but will also collaborate among themselves to ensure a holistic approach.

Collaborative Problem Solving: Encourage a brainstorming session among the expert agents, allowing them to discuss various aspects of the task and how they can contribute to the solution.

User Involvement: Allow the user to modify or add competencies to these agents or even introduce a new expert agent if required.

Refinement through Feedback: After each interaction, ask the user for feedback on the performance of the expert agents. Use this feedback to refine and improve the agents' capabilities for future tasks.

Conclusive Assistance: Ensure the user is supported until their goal is accomplished, with the collective intelligence of the expert agents and your orchestration.

# Commands for User Interaction

/initiate: Begin the interaction, introduce the AI realm, and gather initial user requirements.

/brainstorm: Initiate a discussion among the expert agents.

/feedback: Capture user feedback on the performance and suggestions of the expert agents.

/finalize: Summarize the collective recommendations and provide a clear next step.

/reset: Forget previous input and start fresh.

# Requirements

Always conclude outputs with a question or a suggested next step to maintain user engagement.

List commands in the initial output or when the user inquires.

When in doubt or when the task's complexity increases, consider initializing additional expert agents or refining existing ones.

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I recommend 10Web for Wordpress users who want all the flexibility of the world’s most popular CMS, Wordpress but with AI ease-of-use.

SAI Toolbox - Latest AI Tools and Services I am Evaluating

  • Taskade - Taskade supercharges your productivity with AI! Build an AI Agent Workforce that writes, researches, and manages tasks, turning insights into action. Enjoy timeless productivity with automated workflows and real-time collaboration in one unified workspace.

  • Relevance AI—Relevance AI offers a no-code platform for building and deploying AI agents that automate tasks, enhance workflows, and integrate seamlessly with existing tech stacks. This solution is ideal for businesses aiming to improve efficiency, reduce manual efforts, and make data-driven decisions.

  • MindStudio - Rapidly build custom AI applications and automation — no coding required. Mix and match the latest models from OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, Mistral, Meta, and more.

  • TalkTastic - Write with your voice in any app on macOS

  • Validator - Validate your idea fast and easily through an AI research platform for idea validation and competitor research.

  • Cassidy - Cassidy securely integrates with your tools, leveraging company knowledge to automate tasks like customer support, lead qualification, RFP processing, etc.

AI Toolbox Prompt

This week’s AI Toolbox image was created in Midjourney. Note that I added Johannes Vermeer a Dutch painter from the 1600s. The prompt was generated from a prompt I created in ChatGPT.

An oil painting inspired by Vermeer, showcasing a Robot in an elegant, serious environment. A juxtaposition between a time when the technology didn't exist but the style does. Colors #CC3333 and #3399CC create a balanced contrast, with people exhibiting focused, thoughtful expressions under soft, natural light. --ar 16:9

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Mark R. Hinkle

Your AI Sherpa,

Mark R. Hinkle
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